June 29, 2008
June 27, 2008
June 23, 2008
Potty A-B-C's
Well, I've gotten a few books about potty training...My favorite of which is called "the no-cry potty training solution" by Elizabeth Pantley...Love it, but she didn't say I wouldn't cry...
Tell me, now, how does a parent remain relaxed, calm, and patient...and believe me, I've gone through all the questions: "Is she just not ready?" "Should I do this instead?"...but really, I just need to stay on it and be positive. So, here's some important advice from the author, let me know if it has/works for you!:
The idea that it takes a child 3-12 months to be potty trained, you set a date three months from now to aim for.
I must admit this has really helped me keep cool and patient so far. I just look at my little potty chart and think "we've got time!"
Well, yes. We decided from the get-go that we were going to give prizes and stickers, etc for success...and we might say "oh, no!" when she doesn't make it, but it doesn't really make a difference. Audrey inevitably tells me, "pee!" or "poo" just after she has gone and when she needs changed. Kinda frustratin, not gonna lie!
I think the only thing gonna change this is to be more vigilant...timing will be everything...frequent potty breaks and sitting until it happens. It's funny, but she seems to go through phases where she makes it and then those where she doesn't.
THIS is Audrey!!!
She will not eat anything...so, the suggestions from the book: whole wheat pasta in the macaroni, wheat-side down sandwiches, fruit/veggie juice popcicles, applesauce or carrot muffins, and bite-sized fruits/veggies with "fun" dipping sauces.
Okay, totally want to try some of this. Audrey tried ketchup once...but she didn't like it I guess...She dipped salsa once, but didn't want anymore of that either...so we will see. Let me know if you have some good recipes for applesauce muffins!
D) DONT' get angry! Accident in pants means stay calm, flush it down and teach again where it goes.
E) FORCE FLUIDS (NEVER have to force fluids with my 2-yr-old). Anyway, this is more if she's constipated...but she should pee about a half hour-45 minutes after drinking. Keep her hydrated!
F) LIMIT: bananas, rice, applesauce, cheese, citrus juice and carbonated sodas. AGAIN, IF CONSTIPATION IS A PROBLEM...
G) DIAPER OINTMENT. Lifesaver for us last week!
H) EXERCISE. Oh, yes.
I) SOFT SEAT for the Potty. (*Check!)Especially if she's going to be sitting for awhile
Well, this lady suggests putting the potty where she plays...so, we did. We put the potty in front of the tv even one day...and it worked. For a time.
Only by relaxing, can my baby go...so: Books (*check) Story-time, Songs, talking...
We paint our toenails!
We also use tub crayons since her potty is right there by the tub.
L) SIGNALS-- watch for common signals that she has to go--
I find this is much easier to recognize the BM...and sometimes, many times, it is too late, but helping her recognize this is going to be very helpful EVENTUALLY!
At first, set a schedule until she can figure her own body out:
1-When she wakes up
2-after meals
3-before a bath (the water always makes her have to go!)
4-before getting in the car and
5-before bed...
The times we have success are most often morning and before a bath...
Yes, kids learn from stories...we can't get Audrey to sit through a whole story, but she loves her potty books. She has one that has little flaps, that's her favorite...
Anyway, the book suggests starting this one even before active training, just so they learn about it before.
I posted early the books we have, here's a couple more suggestions from the book:
Wash Your Hands! By Tony Ross
Potty Time! (Toddlers) by Betty Reichmeier
First Experiences: Its Potty Time by Roger Priddy
For you more creative moms out there-- take pictures at each step of the process and glue them into a book. They suggest letting your child add something to the book with each successful visit.
P) BOYS ONLY: Teach sitting first!! Otherwise, you have the bowel training problem to contend with...They do make mini urinals, though, if you want...The book suggests teaching about lifting/lowering the seat now so they always always do it.
See quiz results from recent post!!
A.K.A. When you have days off and nothing to interrupt, force fluids and salty snakcs and hit 'em hard---"sit" frequently and be prepared!!
Being a nurse, I have to insist on this. TEACH IT NOW! There's awesome "KANDOO" products out there... We have the hand soap, bought a little stool to help her reach and she even gets to hang up her own little towel... She loves to wash her hands!!
T) BE CONSISTENT!! If the child will be at separate homes or in daycare, make sure the same things are done everywhere! We don't want set-backs!!
U) BE SAFE in the bathroom:
- Cover electrical outlets
- Lower water temperature
- Put electrical appliances away (Curling iron...)
- Childproof latches on the cabinets
- Childproof and lock away all meds and healthcare products (like mouthwash!)
- Know how to unlock the door form the outside!
- Secure free-standing furniture, blind cords, safety guards...
-WATCH THE TRASH/tubside-- think-- Razors, meds, cleaning supplies, hair coloring waste...I know Audrey can be curious!! We actually have the trash up off the floor where she can't reach it, but we still have to be careful!!
- A Toilet Bowl ltch is a good idea---Children can drown in very little water!
-Keep the bathroom clean and put in a night-light!
Most important for us I think is getting Audrey to understand when she needs to go and exactly what to do. She obviously gets that shen she wets, she needs changed. (That in itself is worth a party! She used to enjoy waddling around in her wet one)
So, possibility: Set a timer for every two hours and also keep an eye out so we can tell her what she is feeling "you are wiggling, lets go potty"...We will report back on that!
We put a pair of training pants on her bear, but I haven't read up much on this. Any experiences to share?
I LOVE the Gerber training pants we get at Walmart...but they don't always keep the mess contained, so going out is not the best idea and we end up cleaning some carpets...but she really notices what's going on in them. I also LOVE the convenience Pull-Ups offer...but they are a bit pricey and I hate to change them like they are diapers...so, we save those for when we are out and about.
We also tried the "feel-wet" lined pants, but they made no difference...
Y) Remember that night-time dryness isn't expected until sometime up to age 6! In other words, the body doesn't work that way, so don't press it. Diapers at night is still the way to go.
and Z!!!!
PATIENCE!!!! is a virtue that we as parents will never master, but have already mastered. In other words, we are NEVER going to be 100% patient, 100% of the time, but we sure are a lot more patient than before we had kids..."Ho-ha"!
Anyway, just some notes from the world of Potty-training-- if you're with me in this, I feel you!!
Tell me, now, how does a parent remain relaxed, calm, and patient...and believe me, I've gone through all the questions: "Is she just not ready?" "Should I do this instead?"...but really, I just need to stay on it and be positive. So, here's some important advice from the author, let me know if it has/works for you!:
The idea that it takes a child 3-12 months to be potty trained, you set a date three months from now to aim for.
I must admit this has really helped me keep cool and patient so far. I just look at my little potty chart and think "we've got time!"
Well, yes. We decided from the get-go that we were going to give prizes and stickers, etc for success...and we might say "oh, no!" when she doesn't make it, but it doesn't really make a difference. Audrey inevitably tells me, "pee!" or "poo" just after she has gone and when she needs changed. Kinda frustratin, not gonna lie!
I think the only thing gonna change this is to be more vigilant...timing will be everything...frequent potty breaks and sitting until it happens. It's funny, but she seems to go through phases where she makes it and then those where she doesn't.
THIS is Audrey!!!
She will not eat anything...so, the suggestions from the book: whole wheat pasta in the macaroni, wheat-side down sandwiches, fruit/veggie juice popcicles, applesauce or carrot muffins, and bite-sized fruits/veggies with "fun" dipping sauces.
Okay, totally want to try some of this. Audrey tried ketchup once...but she didn't like it I guess...She dipped salsa once, but didn't want anymore of that either...so we will see. Let me know if you have some good recipes for applesauce muffins!
D) DONT' get angry! Accident in pants means stay calm, flush it down and teach again where it goes.
E) FORCE FLUIDS (NEVER have to force fluids with my 2-yr-old). Anyway, this is more if she's constipated...but she should pee about a half hour-45 minutes after drinking. Keep her hydrated!
F) LIMIT: bananas, rice, applesauce, cheese, citrus juice and carbonated sodas. AGAIN, IF CONSTIPATION IS A PROBLEM...
G) DIAPER OINTMENT. Lifesaver for us last week!
H) EXERCISE. Oh, yes.
I) SOFT SEAT for the Potty. (*Check!)Especially if she's going to be sitting for awhile
Well, this lady suggests putting the potty where she plays...so, we did. We put the potty in front of the tv even one day...and it worked. For a time.
Only by relaxing, can my baby go...so: Books (*check) Story-time, Songs, talking...
We paint our toenails!
We also use tub crayons since her potty is right there by the tub.
L) SIGNALS-- watch for common signals that she has to go--
I find this is much easier to recognize the BM...and sometimes, many times, it is too late, but helping her recognize this is going to be very helpful EVENTUALLY!
At first, set a schedule until she can figure her own body out:
1-When she wakes up
2-after meals
3-before a bath (the water always makes her have to go!)
4-before getting in the car and
5-before bed...
The times we have success are most often morning and before a bath...
Yes, kids learn from stories...we can't get Audrey to sit through a whole story, but she loves her potty books. She has one that has little flaps, that's her favorite...
Anyway, the book suggests starting this one even before active training, just so they learn about it before.
I posted early the books we have, here's a couple more suggestions from the book:
Wash Your Hands! By Tony Ross
Potty Time! (Toddlers) by Betty Reichmeier
First Experiences: Its Potty Time by Roger Priddy
For you more creative moms out there-- take pictures at each step of the process and glue them into a book. They suggest letting your child add something to the book with each successful visit.
P) BOYS ONLY: Teach sitting first!! Otherwise, you have the bowel training problem to contend with...They do make mini urinals, though, if you want...The book suggests teaching about lifting/lowering the seat now so they always always do it.
See quiz results from recent post!!
A.K.A. When you have days off and nothing to interrupt, force fluids and salty snakcs and hit 'em hard---"sit" frequently and be prepared!!
Being a nurse, I have to insist on this. TEACH IT NOW! There's awesome "KANDOO" products out there... We have the hand soap, bought a little stool to help her reach and she even gets to hang up her own little towel... She loves to wash her hands!!
T) BE CONSISTENT!! If the child will be at separate homes or in daycare, make sure the same things are done everywhere! We don't want set-backs!!
U) BE SAFE in the bathroom:
- Cover electrical outlets
- Lower water temperature
- Put electrical appliances away (Curling iron...)
- Childproof latches on the cabinets
- Childproof and lock away all meds and healthcare products (like mouthwash!)
- Know how to unlock the door form the outside!
- Secure free-standing furniture, blind cords, safety guards...
-WATCH THE TRASH/tubside-- think-- Razors, meds, cleaning supplies, hair coloring waste...I know Audrey can be curious!! We actually have the trash up off the floor where she can't reach it, but we still have to be careful!!
- A Toilet Bowl ltch is a good idea---Children can drown in very little water!
-Keep the bathroom clean and put in a night-light!
Most important for us I think is getting Audrey to understand when she needs to go and exactly what to do. She obviously gets that shen she wets, she needs changed. (That in itself is worth a party! She used to enjoy waddling around in her wet one)
So, possibility: Set a timer for every two hours and also keep an eye out so we can tell her what she is feeling "you are wiggling, lets go potty"...We will report back on that!
We put a pair of training pants on her bear, but I haven't read up much on this. Any experiences to share?
I LOVE the Gerber training pants we get at Walmart...but they don't always keep the mess contained, so going out is not the best idea and we end up cleaning some carpets...but she really notices what's going on in them. I also LOVE the convenience Pull-Ups offer...but they are a bit pricey and I hate to change them like they are diapers...so, we save those for when we are out and about.
We also tried the "feel-wet" lined pants, but they made no difference...
Y) Remember that night-time dryness isn't expected until sometime up to age 6! In other words, the body doesn't work that way, so don't press it. Diapers at night is still the way to go.
and Z!!!!
PATIENCE!!!! is a virtue that we as parents will never master, but have already mastered. In other words, we are NEVER going to be 100% patient, 100% of the time, but we sure are a lot more patient than before we had kids..."Ho-ha"!
Anyway, just some notes from the world of Potty-training-- if you're with me in this, I feel you!!
June 06, 2008
I CAN be potty trained...
Books we are reading:
My Big Girl Potty by Joanna Cole
No More Diapers for Ducky by Bernette Ford and Sam Williams
A Potty For Me! by Karen Katz
Lift the Lid, Use the Potty by Angie Ingle
The Potty Book for Girls by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
We also have the Potty Movie for girls. Some of these books are better than others. Audrey really loves to lift the flaps in the "Lift the Lid" book. We also bought a little Cars stool for the sink and some Kandoo soap. She STILL can't reach anything, but at least she gets the idea that we wash our hands, even if she can't do it alone yet.
We have a bucket of "prizes", mostly gummy candy, but also stickers, cars, markers and headbands. She still doesn't seem to connect the two, but she LOVES sitting on the potty.
Anyway, we're off and running....wish us luck!
My Big Girl Potty by Joanna Cole
No More Diapers for Ducky by Bernette Ford and Sam Williams
A Potty For Me! by Karen Katz
Lift the Lid, Use the Potty by Angie Ingle
The Potty Book for Girls by Alyssa Satin Capucilli
We also have the Potty Movie for girls. Some of these books are better than others. Audrey really loves to lift the flaps in the "Lift the Lid" book. We also bought a little Cars stool for the sink and some Kandoo soap. She STILL can't reach anything, but at least she gets the idea that we wash our hands, even if she can't do it alone yet.
We have a bucket of "prizes", mostly gummy candy, but also stickers, cars, markers and headbands. She still doesn't seem to connect the two, but she LOVES sitting on the potty.
Anyway, we're off and running....wish us luck!
June 05, 2008
Grandparents Rock!
September 20, 2007
Well, its been a good week!
Ana, Kj and the girls (can't say that for long!) are in town and they have volunteered to watch Audrey-- Thayne says she has been having a total blast--but if you watch this video from Ana's page, you'll know it is definately so:
We went to the zoo again yesterday. Audrey liked it mainly because she got to run around. She was more aware of the animals and only a little excited about the fish. She gets to see fish at Walmart, so I guess the zoo isn't that special to her anymore? ANyway, it is interesting to see how her reactions change as she gets older. It is amazing to be able to go to a zoo like ours whenever we have time.
Okay, I know I just said "whenever we have time"...but I did get someone to work a couple days this week for family time and study time. It has worked out nice, but I gotta go back to work today.
So, this weekend I'll get some more photos up--
Ana, Kj and the girls (can't say that for long!) are in town and they have volunteered to watch Audrey-- Thayne says she has been having a total blast--but if you watch this video from Ana's page, you'll know it is definately so:
We went to the zoo again yesterday. Audrey liked it mainly because she got to run around. She was more aware of the animals and only a little excited about the fish. She gets to see fish at Walmart, so I guess the zoo isn't that special to her anymore? ANyway, it is interesting to see how her reactions change as she gets older. It is amazing to be able to go to a zoo like ours whenever we have time.
Okay, I know I just said "whenever we have time"...but I did get someone to work a couple days this week for family time and study time. It has worked out nice, but I gotta go back to work today.
So, this weekend I'll get some more photos up--
September 12, 2007
Well, the beginning of a new era, the posts are few and far between. Still trying to keep you updated, Audrey is doing pretty much the same as usual. Still no words. She has been VERY "helpful":

Washing the car--

Cleaning the House-

Brushing her teeth.
She wants to help dad with all his "projects", too.
Playing "Hide and go Boo"
Chatting with the neighbor boy
Washing the car--
Cleaning the House-
Brushing her teeth.
She wants to help dad with all his "projects", too.
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