September 17, 2006

First Laugh

Audrey has giggled before, but we've got laughter tonight! Check out the video at the end of the post (sorry it blurs at times).
Audrey is also sitting pretty well now. Sometiems she decides she'd rather not, though. It is amazing how one week she can't even sit for a second and the next she can sit for minutes without any support!
We've been trying to decide what we're going to do for a babysitter if schdules change with school and all. Melia would consider being a paid nanny (yeah!).
Audrey's starting to really recognize faces, espcially her Mom and Daddy's! She knows Aunt TAsha, Aunt Melia, Aunt Bekah and Ben and Sarah...and her grandparents , although it turns out to be quite situational! She almost always has a smile for Grandpa Craig. She started crying for Grandpa O. though, just the other night. Kids are so funny. It is strange getting used to the personality that emerges, but so much fun too. Well, its getting late and her parents have stuff to do, so Audrey will leave you with a little rendition of "You are my sunshine"--enjoy!

September 08, 2006

5 months and counting

It really has been five whole months since March and Audrey is just moving right along. We were watching some videos the other day and it is AMAZING how much they change so fast!

Hopefully that link works so you can watch the video we found the other day! Look at her little arms flail about!

So, Audrey is moving into stage two foods now. She absolutely loves her Hawaiian delight. Named it right for her. She's moving everywhere too! The other day, Daddy put her down on one end of the blanket and before we knew it, she was across the blanket, up against the egde of the coffee table, knawing on it's leg. She's still sleeping a lot better which is fortunate for us! We're also working on sitting up and she's really doing well. She prefers to be straight though...standing or laying around most of the time. She loves to stretch to reach things too...and her Aunt Tasha says it is always for something she can't ahve.
We did buy this new teether that's supposed to "encourage" future dental hygiene...she loves it, so thats enough of a benefit right there! Grandma bought Audrey some new clothes which are really cute! She might actually get to wear some of her new stuff if she grows a little! We're over 13 lbs now so we're getting somewhere! It may be her next appointment before mom finds time to update the webpage again, so until then!