5 weeks and Audrey will be a year old! She already thinks she can walk (which she's not really doing...) and she's starting to talk to us a lot more. She does say "dog" now, so put that down as a first word. I'm still not sold on "mama", but "daddy" is getting pretty specific.
Audrey has taken to carrying things in her mouth. Don't get me wrong, she's always used her mouth as an extra hand, but now, it is specifically a tool for carting around objects. She likes to pick up as many things as she can at a time...a finger an object if she could actually do it...I am sure she'd use her toes if she didn't have to wear socks all the time!
She is also getting tooth #5! The little guy on the top left is popping through!
Audrey had a great Valentines day! All of the kids at day care sent her candy and valentines! (Audrey was upset with mom for not getting her friends some of these valentines this year...we'll remember next year!)
Pretty much, that's the report, as long as it has been! We will have to really update sometime soon when time allows!