August 01, 2006

Birth Story

After a few trips to Labor & Delivery, Audrey decided to make an appearance 3 weeks early--which mom and dad were absolutely fine with! Sarah wasn't feeling well Sunday so we made a trip to the hospital. after little progress and almost too much examination, the doctor left it up to us whether we wanted to go home or not. We were dilated to 4 and 75% effaced, but nothing too painful was happening. We decided another night of sleep in our bed was worth the effort, so we went home. Sarah went to work on Monday and she was feeling alright. The contractions weren't bad and we were just waiting it out.

After work, we went for a walk in the mall and headed in to the hospital. The contractions were still not painful, but the machine was registering them 2-4 minutes apart and we were dilated to 5. The evening was long. Very little progress was made but the nurses were concerned about the water breaking because it was "protruding". At 11 PM, the doctor decided to help the contractions along with pitocin. The anesthesiologist came in and talked Sarah into an epidural, saying he was about a half hour away if we wanted it later. So, we got the epi, got the pitocin and we waited.

Nothing much changed still. The doctor came in around 4AM Tuesday morning and checked the progress. He said we were still only about 6-7 cm, but that he was going to break the water for us. So, at 4:30 the water was broken, Sarah started having big contractions (painless, of course) and then the pressure. After a few pushes, Dr. Fahmy arrived and decided to use forceps because Audrey's heart rate was dropping with each push. So, at 6:31 AM, Audrey came screaming into the world and changed the lives of her mommy and daddy forever.

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