She has been very silly and fun lately...and grouchy, too, ironically.
Her tooth is definately cutting through now. You can feel it on her bottom right gum, poking it's sharp little top through. Poor baby.
So, back to silly. Audrey plays with just about anything now...laundry baskets, lids and containers, your hair...the other day she was playing with a plastic bottle and it somehow ended up IN her shirt:
And then, Mommy was folding the sheets and she just started giggling:
We can't help but laugh along with her.
Besides that, Audrey has been having a lot of fun. Aunt Rachel bought her a stuffed elephant which was fun:
And ONCE Audrey and Zeke got along enough for another photo!:
Okay, okay, so I've been sorta cheating by filling this whole post in with cute little pictures. Really, there is a lot more going on than us just sitting around the house taking photos!! BUT...
It will have to wait until at least Wednesday cause there's housework and Halloween, and papers to be written. Enjoy!
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