October 30, 2006

Silly Little Sunshine

Audrey is so cute and we love her so much!!
She has been very silly and fun lately...and grouchy, too, ironically.
Her tooth is definately cutting through now. You can feel it on her bottom right gum, poking it's sharp little top through. Poor baby.

So, back to silly. Audrey plays with just about anything now...laundry baskets, lids and containers, your hair...the other day she was playing with a plastic bottle and it somehow ended up IN her shirt:

And then, Mommy was folding the sheets and she just started giggling:

We can't help but laugh along with her.

Besides that, Audrey has been having a lot of fun. Aunt Rachel bought her a stuffed elephant which was fun:

And ONCE Audrey and Zeke got along enough for another photo!:

Okay, okay, so I've been sorta cheating by filling this whole post in with cute little pictures. Really, there is a lot more going on than us just sitting around the house taking photos!! BUT...
It will have to wait until at least Wednesday cause there's housework and Halloween, and papers to be written. Enjoy!

October 13, 2006


6 months...

So we've been very busy it seems and we're not doing such a hot job at keeping y'all up to date!! Audrey is now over 6 months old! She weighed almost 14 lbs. at the doctors, which is in the 10th %ile...she's still SHORT (poor thing has no hope, really), and she's in the 25th for head circumference. All is well, I guess, just a big head for a little girl.
Audrey had been quite cranky lately on account of her teething. She wakes up a couple of times a night on average...she must have decided she missed it. =o)

We put Audrey in a pumpkin. She really didn't like it much but it turned out alright. We were going to carve it but then Audrey needed a bigger hole to get into so we cut it more and now the "hat" doesn't fit on it, so we haven't done anything besides set it outside our back door.

We also put Audrey into that Gap casting call...with a zillion other babies in the world. We think she's really cute, though, so that's all that matters. =o) We've been looking into new babysitting options so that the schedule isn't so frustrating and hard to work around. As parents, you always worry about where your baby is going and what is being done for them. The doctor keeps telling us to feed Miss Audrey more...I don't even know if I could eat that much... she's doing well, though. She makes some pretty funny faces when we give her new foods. The other day she was in agony over "Blueberry Buckle". Not nice to laugh at her, but we couldn't help it. Every so often she'd even "pretend choke". Next day, of course, she ate it like it was her favorite food ever. Silly baby.

So, she's sitting, scooting, rolling, inching, pretty much all but crawling. She can even sit herself up after she's tumbled over! We're looking forward to the Holidays.
Audrey's firsts are going to be exciting...