Audrey saying "rahrhrrr" while she plays in the laundry bucket
Audrey plays her heart out--and all we do is take pictures! She's been doing a lot of "head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes". All she can really do is the head part, but she loves it! She also likes to clap and dance, which is really cute. She has also been really big on "bracelets". She will pretty much wear anything on her arms. The other day, she had the roll of duct tape just hanging around her arm while she walked around.
We had to buy new pajamas for the warmer weather!
We're having a good time playing and growing up!
Audrey playing with the dogs and getting "kisses"
Having a Blast with Aunt Bekah!
We love the mirror, too, but we have to be careful so we don't knock them over and break them! "Getting pretty":
1 comment:
What a cutie! She is going to be SO different by the time we see her in Colorado.
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