Miss Audrey was not well this weekend, so we didn't do too much. She seems to be feeling much better tonight, though!
Grandpa Wright got a new computer and while her dad put it together, Audrey got to play in a cardboard fort, which she really seemed to love!
Audrey has really been voicing her opinions lately! She will try the fit throwing first. She will get down on the floor and scream and kick. We pretend we don't notice. Then she'll just kind of follow us around and "complain" for awhile. This past weekend was a little hard trying to figure out what was acting out and what was just feeling bad. For the most part, she got spoiled with bottles of juice (trying to get fluids in her) and being cuddled, sleeping in Mommy's bed, etc.
I don't remember if I said so before, but we tried the swimming pool. No go there. Even thought she'd be fine once she was in it, but she screamed bloody murder. For days afterward, she would peek out the back door before she would go outside. She LOVES to be outside, but if that pool was out there, she was staying in. It was actually pretty funny. =o)
We had our friends Jill and Clint come to town last week with Emery. When we got back from dinner, Audrey got extremely possessive of her things! Considering she never has people over to "share" with, it was really a new experience. She didn't want him to play with her toys or her dogs or anything. Luckily she's pretty good at sharing in public, but we'll have to work on the "mine" attitude at home!
Audrey has also really taken a liking to her chair. She will climb up in it and just sit and watch the tv or whatever is going on around her. Some new Backyardigans episodes are coming out on the tv so it is kinda nice getting a change in song. She still loves to sing "head and shoulders"-- and she is playing with her baby, giving it open-mouth kisses.
All-in-all, Audrey is learning something new everyday and so are her parents!
We are pretty excited that she may actually enjoy the vacation this year too--
Out of my way DAD!
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